Find the right Kingsville Registered Psychotherapist for you.

The fastest way to find the Kingsville Registered Psychotherapist you need for meaningful change. See if a psychotherapist is the right fit before you book with in-depth psychotherapist videos and bios. Then, instantly schedule a free consultation from the First Session platform.

Sofia Diaz
Sofia Diaz
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Emotional regulation, Relationships, Cultural Challenges, People pleasing, Transitioning into Adulthood, Attachment wounds, Identity and Self-Exploration
Mike Stroh
Mike Stroh
Registered Psychotherapist
Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Meaning and purpose, Relationships
Jacob Damelin
Jacob Damelin
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Relationships, Life transitions, Grief and Loss
Michael Chu
Michael Chu
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Aging, Anxiety, Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Attachment, Behaviour, Boundaries and boundary setting, Break-up recovery, Building Meaningful Connections, Burnout, Career guidance, Childhood trauma, Competitive anxiety, Conflict resolution, Cultural Challenges, Dating challenges, Decision making, Deep connections, Dissociation, Depression, Dreams, Effective communication, Emotional regulation, Empowerment, Existential questions, Ethics, Familial and social relationships, Goal Setting, Grief and Loss, Grief processing, Grief/Loss, Identity and Self-Exploration, Identity, Imposter syndrome, Interpersonal dynamics, Intergenerational trauma, Life transitions, Low Self-Esteem and Self Worth, Meaning and purpose, Men's issues, Mental performance, Motivation, Negative thinking and ruminating, Performance anxiety, Perfectionism, Relationship anxiety, Relationships, Self-Development, Self-esteem, Self-Regulation, Social anxiety, Stress, Thought Restructuring, Transformative dream work, Transitioning into Adulthood, Trauma, Trauma processing, Understanding & Regulating Emotions, Vulnerability, Wellness Counselling, Workplace stress, Mindfulness
Hayley Hope
Hayley Hope
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Depression, Grief and Loss, Life transitions, Familial and social relationships, Trauma processing
Lydia Azaribe
Lydia Azaribe
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Anger Management, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Burnout, Overwhelm, Racism, Relationship anxiety, Mindfulness
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Alanna Jacobs
Alanna Jacobs
Registered Psychotherapist
Grief and Loss, Self-Development, Children/Teens, Dissociation, Family Conflict, Attachment, Parenting, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Life transitions, Borderline Personality Disorder, Cultural Challenges, Early childhood, Familial and social relationships, Grief/Loss, Panic attacks, Social anxiety, PTSD, Trauma processing, Understanding & Regulating Emotions
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Dennis Keefe
Dennis Keefe
Registered Psychotherapist
Chronic Illness, Depression, Anxiety, Fears and phobia, ADHD, Life transitions, Chronic and acute illness, Depression coping skills, Pain management, Mindfulness
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Faraja Gaudin
Faraja Gaudin
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Self-Development, Depression, Self-esteem, Life transitions, Assertiveness, Imposter syndrome, Negative thinking and ruminating, Overwhelm, Perfectionism, Productivity, Mindfulness
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Elena Maystruk
Elena Maystruk
Registered Psychotherapist
Grief and Loss, Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, Couples, Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Verbal), Adjusting to a diagnosis, Burnout, Conflict resolution
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Nayab Tahir
Nayab Tahir
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Addiction, Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Verbal), Attachment trauma, Life transitions, Anxiety, Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Building Meaningful Connections, Blocks in Connecting with Self and Others, Burnout, Childhood trauma, Conflict resolution, Cultural Challenges, Career guidance, Depression, Deep Brain Reorienting, Deep connections, Understanding & Regulating Emotions, BIPOC, Family Conflict, Familial and social relationships, Anger Management
Stephanie Neshcov
Stephanie Neshcov
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Anxiety, Boundaries and boundary setting, Building Self-Care Routines, Dating challenges, Depression, Life transitions, School challenges, Relationships, Workplace stress, Stress
Warren Elardo
Warren Elardo
Registered Social Worker
Grief and Loss, BIPOC, Depression, Anxiety, Couples, Cultural Challenges, Depression coping skills, Emotional regulation, Family issues, Mind-body connection
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips
Registered Professional Counsellor - Candidate
Grief and Loss, Addiction, Men's issues, Depression, Life transitions, Depression coping skills, Emotional regulation, Imposter syndrome, Relationship anxiety
Anastasia Sutulova
Anastasia Sutulova
Pre-Licensed Professional
Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Neurodiversity, ADHD Coaching, Attachment wounds, Childhood trauma, Depression coping skills, People pleasing, Psychedelic journeying

Live in Kingsville? Connect with a Registered Psychotherapist in-person or online.

Licensed Registered Psychotherapists based and insured in Ontario. All Registered Psychotherapists on EST timezone unless otherwise noted.

Cayla Townes

Registered Psychotherapist
Attachment trauma, Attachment wounds, Trauma, Life transitions, Aging, Anxiety, Depression, Blocks in Connecting with Self and Others, Childhood trauma, Workplace stress, Self-esteem, Self-Development, Stress, Relationships, Perfectionism, People pleasing, Overwhelm, Meaning and purpose, Caregiver burnout, Chronic and acute illness, Grief and Loss, Identity and Self-Exploration, Imposter syndrome, Separation and divorce

Sofia Forman

Registered Psychotherapist
Grief and Loss, Stress, Depression, Maternal mental health, Anxiety, Attachment trauma, Blocks in Connecting with Self and Others, Boundaries and boundary setting, Building Self-Care Routines, Caregiver burnout, Creativity, Dating challenges, Existential questions, Highly Sensitive Person, Identity and Self-Exploration, Intergenerational trauma, Intimacy concerns, Low Self-Esteem and Self Worth, Mind-body connection, Mindfulness Practices, Postnatal Care, Prenatal care, Social anxiety, Understanding & Regulating Emotions

Jupiter Vaughan

Registered Psychotherapist
Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Anger Management, Blocks in Connecting with Self and Others, Borderline Personality Disorder, Boundaries and boundary setting, Burnout, Childhood trauma, Conflict resolution, Effective communication, Emotional regulation, Familial and social relationships, Grief and Loss, Imposter syndrome, Low Self-Esteem and Self Worth, Men's issues, Negative body image, Panic attacks, PTSD, School challenges, Sexuality, Trauma, Workplace stress, Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Verbal)

Michael Kang

Registered Psychotherapist
Addiction, ADHD, ADHD Coaching, Adjusting to a diagnosis, Anger, Anger Management, Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Blocks in Connecting with Self and Others, Boundaries and boundary setting, Building Meaningful Connections, Building Self-Care Routines, Burnout, Career guidance, Caregiver burnout, Childhood trauma, Life transitions, Low mood, School challenges, Self harm, College or University Coaching, Relationship anxiety, Relationships, Racism, Grief and Loss, Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Verbal)

Michael Chu

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Aging, Anxiety, Anxiety and Stress Management Skills, Attachment, Behaviour, Boundaries and boundary setting, Break-up recovery, Building Meaningful Connections, Burnout, Career guidance, Childhood trauma, Competitive anxiety, Conflict resolution, Cultural Challenges, Dating challenges, Decision making, Deep connections, Dissociation, Depression, Dreams, Effective communication, Emotional regulation, Empowerment, Existential questions, Ethics, Familial and social relationships, Goal Setting, Grief and Loss, Grief processing, Grief/Loss, Identity and Self-Exploration, Identity, Imposter syndrome, Interpersonal dynamics, Intergenerational trauma, Life transitions, Low Self-Esteem and Self Worth, Meaning and purpose, Men's issues, Mental performance, Motivation, Negative thinking and ruminating, Performance anxiety, Perfectionism, Relationship anxiety, Relationships, Self-Development, Self-esteem, Self-Regulation, Social anxiety, Stress, Thought Restructuring, Transformative dream work, Transitioning into Adulthood, Trauma, Trauma processing, Understanding & Regulating Emotions, Vulnerability, Wellness Counselling, Workplace stress, Mindfulness

Online therapy for you in Kingsville.

Out-of-province licensed Registered Psychotherapists insured to provide online therapy in Ontario. Timezone availability may vary.

Unsure if your insurance covers online or out-of-province counselling? Learn more.
“I wish I’d known about this platform sooner! I loved the introductory videos–this is what helped me choose the therapist to book an intro consultation with.”
— Satisfied First Session User
“I was able to use First Session to find my therapist for the past two years within 24 hours. First Session eliminated a lot of the friction associated with finding a therapist....”
— Satisfied First Session User
“Having short videos of the therapists sharing a little bit about themselves and their approaches is such a simple concept but made an  absolute world of difference.”
— Satisfied First Session User

Helping Every Therapy Seeker Find the Right Fit

Compatibility is the most important factor when choosing a psychotherapist. But finding the right fit isn’t easy. First Session takes the time, guesswork, and emotional labour out of that process.

Search a curated Registered Psychotherapist network

Narrow your search to a list of rigorously vetted Registered Psychotherapists you’ll actually consider booking. Because finding a Registered Psychotherapist shouldn’t involve reading endless generic bios.

Assess for fit before you commit

Decide if a Registered Psychotherapists is the right fit for you before booking with interview videos and in-depth bios. No more switching or re-telling your private feelings and story.

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(and instantly)

Schedule an available session or free consultation right from the First Session platform. No 3rd party intake calls or back and forth emailing required.

Free yourself from the stress of endless searching and switching

Convenience-first approach to finding a Registered Psychotherapist
Burnout from endless search results and unhelpful Registered Psychotherapist profiles.
Disappointment and frustration from generic intake calls and unproductive “free” consultations
Emotional stress from repeatedly revealing private thoughts and feelings to incompatible Registered Psychotherapists
Stalled mental health progress because of limited availability, timezone differences, or constantly switching providers
Risk of abandoning therapy process altogether because of frustration, exhaustion, or depression
Connection-first approach to finding a Registered Psychotherapist with First Session
Instantly create a short-list of Registered Psychotherapists serving Kingsville qualified to support your journey
Get to know a Registered Psychotherapist’s personality, approach, and experience before booking
Share your private history, thoughts, and feelings only if there’s a connection
Save time and minimize stress by finding the right fit without endless switching
Make meaningful progress sooner and commit to lasting, meaningful change

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Registered Psychotherapists from First Session provide services in Kingsville?

First Session Registered Psychotherapists support individuals, couples, and families.

Every First Session Registered Psychotherapist is accredited and insured to provide online and/or in-person therapy in Kingsville, Ontario.

What areas or issues do First Session Registered Psychotherapists specialize in?

Over 100 accredited and vetted Registered Psychotherapists are available on the First Session platform. They possess a diverse range of expertise including but not limited to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Trauma
  • Stress
  • Relationships
  • Parenting
  • PTSD

For a complete list of specialities covered by First Session Registered Psychotherapists, visit our Registered Psychotherapist directory.

How do I know if my insurance or benefits cover therapy?

Many employer/group benefits and extended insurance plans therapy, but there are some important factors to consider. Your coverage will generally depend on the designation or license of each professional (ex. Registered Social Worker, Registered Clinical Counsellor).

Make sure to check each Registered Psychotherapist's profile page, under Insurance Coverage, to see what designations/coverage they fall under.

If you're unsure about coverage, you should ask your benefits provider whether they cover that specific designation of therapist or counsellor. You can also read this guide for more info.

How do I pick the right Registered Psychotherapist?

At First Session, we believe finding the right fit in a Registered Psychotherapist is the most important factor to feeling better and having a successful outcome from therapy.

Numerous research studies have proven that forming a strong client-Registered Psychotherapist relationship is more important than the type of therapy used.

To help you assess fit, every Registered Psychotherapist listed on First Session has a short introductory video you can watch to get a sense for who they are.

We've also put together a thorough guide to help you find the right Registered Psychotherapist, determine what the different designations mean, and what you should be looking for when assessing fit. Find the guide here.

Does First Session offer in-person appointments in Kingsville?
Yes! In-person appointments are available in Kingsville. You can find Registered Psychotherapist available for in-person appointments here.

Currently there are no in-person Registered Psychotherapists available in Kingsville.

However, it’s important to note that whether you pursue online or in-person therapy, the single most important factor is fit and long-term consistency.

Can I find a Registered Psychotherapist according to my age, cultural background, sexuality or gender identity?

Absolutely. We understand that one’s cultural background, age, sexuality, or gender identity can bring unique elements to the process of therapy. 

To support every therapy seeker, we actively work to build a highly diverse and inclusive roster of therapists. 

For questions or feedback on how we can improve these element of the process, send us a message.

You deserve more from therapy.

You made the courageous decision to reach your full potential. Find the right psychotherapist to help get you there, and make the most of the time and money you’re investing in yourself.

We help Canadians find a Registered Psychotherapist, coast-to-coast.