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Why am I not ever genuinely happy?

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Tell us about your mental health journey

Having been in therapy for several years as a young adult, I knew that returning in my late 20s would be a different experience. I wanted to dig deeper and work with a therapist to answer reoccurring questions in my life like... Why am I not ever genuinely happy? What piece of my puzzle is missing? As much as I would not care to admit how much my childhood and past experiences affect me to date... Uncovering patterns and behaviours made me face the truth and realize and acknowledge this.

What did you learn in therapy and how did it help you?

A breakthrough moment had in therapy was learning that my emotions are not necessarily tied to reality. Our brains are not nearly developed to function in the current age, thus realizing that not all feelings felt are rooted in truth. Being able to sit back and make this separation was a significant realization.

What is one thing you wish more people knew about therapy?

Like dating, you need to take the time to find a therapist that works right for you. This is why I benefited from the First Session platform, as 'interviewing' various therapists allowed me to feel secure that I found the right one to start my journey with.

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